
Consultant in Risk Analysis and Project Management
Robert Brassard
eng. M.Sc.

ing. M.Sc.
Our Mission:
Use our specific experience as a Consultant in Risk Analysis and Project Management, to professionally and efficiently fulfill the client’s mandate, within commonly shared schedule and budget.
Robert Brassard Consultant is specialized in Risk Analysis and Project Management. Our services are used mainly by sponsors, plant owners, engineers and equipment suppliers in mines, metallurgy, heavy industry, hydroelectric, ports and railroads.
M.SC. Project Management
Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (1981)
Professionnal experience
Hacked by Zarox
Major Project Manager
Alcan, Central Engineering, Jonquière, Québec
Senior Coordinator in Project Management
Alcan, Hydro Power Division, Jonquière, Québec
Project Engineer
The Price Brothers Co. Ltd, Jonquière, Québec
Project Engineer
Professional association
Québec Order of Engineers
French, English
For more details, please use the CONTACT US Section.
Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis (GRA, HAZOP, ZHA)
Risk analysis is increasingly used and in many cases, a mandatory requirement. Bankers and investors use risk analysis to evaluate different aspects of potential projects. Corporations use also the techniques to evaluate and mitigate the risks of projects and/or operations.
Among the subjects of risk analysis, are: technical, health, safety, environment, functionality, hazardous materials, profitability, disasters, etc
Our services include:
- Risks identification
- Risks evaluation
- Risks register
- Mitigation plans
- Follow-up and register update.
Project Management
Project Management
All of us have heard of projects with excessive schedule and estimate overrun. These projects are a threat to plant or corporation survival. Improvisation, lack of experience and inadequate preparation provide this type of result.
Minimum return on investment or credit limit often forces the sponsor to diminish the scope of a project. Most of the time, scope reduction, will affect the functionality of the project and thus the profitability. Value engineering is a reliable tool to reduce the scope without affecting the return on investment.
Robert Brassard Consultant’s expertise is available to help you establish the needs of sponsors and/or users, realistic project objectives, project strategy, project execution plan, follow up on progress and also reduce the chances of getting into problems.
We also provide: project audits, value engineering, coaching and training of the project team.
Risks Management
Risks Analysis
Risks Analysis
Risks Analysis
Global Risk Analysis
Risks Analysis
Project management
Project Management
Value engineering
Project Management
Project Management
Project Manager
Project Management
Technical and commercial specification
Project Management
Project team preparation
Project Management
Needs definition
Project Management
Project Management
Risks Analysis
Our clients list includes heavy industry, manufacturers, governments, consultants, hydro-power companies, railroad companies, mines and ports.
Among our regular clients are: Alcoa, Arianne Phosphate, Cégertec-Worley Parsons, Diavik Diamonds Mines, Elkem Métal Canada inc., Progesys, Rio Tinto Alcan, Tetratech and WSP Global (Génivar).